Category Archives: Perseverance

Pictures – A Short Piece


Pictures are powerful.

A certain picture, capturing a random moment, can give you so much comfort.

Whenever you would see it, you’ll sense and feel all the power and courage behind those tiny little eyes of yours.

A proof that you’re not the same anymore. Every effort is making a difference.

You are growing.
You are glowing.

Pictures are powerful!

Life; A Hard Nut to Crack


What’s life for you?

Whenever I come to a point where I realize, now I got it, everything makes sense now, hey buckle up, I tell myself, the time of fruition is here.. guess what??

Things go down a rabbit hole!

Are you surprised? I ask myself Nup!

Life will be too boring if I’d already figure that all out.

Every day is a new step, learning stuff I haven’t ever thought about. The things I like, the passions I have, the people I know all are emerging, and yet in a fascinating way. My soul is uncovering little facets of life, it literally speaks to me. I have a direction now. What can be beautifuler than that? ( Oh please, now don’t say it’s not even a word)

Life’s a hard nut to crack. Formerly, I have been hoping to seek answers from others, no wonder I never got anywhere. This time I sought them from deep down inside, and what amazed me is that, I’m actually getting a response. Mesmerizing right?

I find joy in things, the little things that I overlooked before. I learned to see the real side of myself and others. I was trapped inside myself for years.. that could be suffocating for anyone, right? Always wondering what’s actually happening… why things are not working out… why people are so mean… and how can I let them get the best of me…

In the chaos of these mysteries, things went awry for sure. But after all those hardships, what I got is the power of self-awareness. I’m amazed by the process. How only changing the perspective is taking me to so many wonderful places. Pretty comfort that I’ve been looking for from outside, all my life, was just within my hand’s reach. It’s peaceful and beautiful.

Do I make sense right now? It’s okay even if I don’t.



Determination to keep going

Determination to keep going

We often look for several things to give us hope and motivation for us to keep going. For some its a morning walk, cooking, aerobics, photography, poetry, blogging, reading, dance, music or could even be a song. Things that we enjoy the most help us even if we are sick or at our lowest, these help us stand up with all the energy we carry inside and work things out just like we could have done these in other favourable scenarios. Wake-up-with-determinationThat’s the fundamental rule actually to never give up either you can do it or not, but if you simply give it a try you will reach somewhere at least, instead of just lying around and getting wasted. That somewhere will then eventually guide us to new paths and new journeys that we never thought of before, and giving them even a single attempt will just be enough to bring a  change. Change is necessary in almost every stage of life, it helps us uncover different aspects of lives; about our surroundings, ourselves, people around us…helps us grow.  Read the rest of this entry