Category Archives: Words of Wisdom

Cut yourself some slack. You’re not a saint



Often comes a time in our lives when we don’t feel good enough.  It’s like everything surrounding us is perfect and we don’t fit in. We tend to see the dark sides of ourselves overlooking the good parts. Yeah ok we are not saints, but there must be a tiny bit of goodness in you that you might think doesn’t count. The thing is, it is on us on how to paint the canvas of our life, we can either paint it with beautiful colours of self worth, esteem built up and looking towards the brighter side in every situation or we can paint it with cloudy dark colours of despair, hatred or self curse etc.

Believe me you’re are not as bad as you think you are. You’ve been through a lot and still you managed to stand again and hold your strength back. So please give yourself some credit for it and cut some slack!!

Always try to see the positive aspects in everyone including yourself .facebook_1422620148109

See the good part in everything.  And that will take you long long way ahead.

Remember  #nothingisperfect

Live today, not tomorrow in advance


Today is the most important part.  Tomorrow will be your today one day. So Instead of pilling up each of your tomorrow’s problems, just deal with one of the today’s everyday. You’ll thank yourself for that later.


Everyone humane.



People often have a tendency to judge or degrade others based on certain things but what they forget is that nobody’s life is perfect. If people are this way..then why is that? They might be fighting battles that nobody knows of..they might be way better than you are or you think they are. Have we all gotten cold blood in us that we bully others without even a single thought.  I have encountered such peope in my life too, that’s why i know how it feels to get targeted. Being human we should show certain degree of respect to others..their interests, personalities, lifestyles, hobbies, behaviours, choices…because every small thing encountering might have some hidden or deep meaning inside.

It is impotant that we learn from others.  Showing respect and understanding will do good to not only you but others as well!

Even Movies Teach Us So Much

Even Movies Teach Us So Much

Movies teach us so much more than we could have had learned otherwise. It sometimes makes our day and sometimes open up our eyes. Let me share some beautiful movie quotes with you that might totally change your perspective about life.

1. Good Will Hunting 1997


2. The Theory of Everything Movie 2014


3. Revolutionary Road 2008


4. Forrest Gump 1994


5. Fight Club 1999


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Respect the Differences!!!

Respect the Differences!!!

One of the things that i have always wanted to request or suggest some people is to PLEASE RESPECT THE DIFFERENCES. None of us are perfect, you might be good in one thing but not in others and the other guy could be good in the other thing that you are not good at.

Everybody has got his or her own unique identity and we are all supposed to be different.. different tastes, opinions, thoughts, beliefs, favourites, hobbies, skills, likes and dislikes etc.

It is not necessary that you like it, you just have to be humane enough to leave it alone, accept it without bragging about it or making someone feel bad about himself.

Either speak good or say nothing at all, but stop insulting or irritating someone just because “you” think its not good enough. You never know what your words can do to others…these are very sharp blades, so be careful with that!!

Compromise. understand, change your perception, justify or just listen.

Backbiting, making fun of others, misbehaving or mistreating others just because you don’t like them or their interests doesn’t sound good to your ears is just pathetic!!!

Start respecting the differences, keep humanity alive.


7 Ways to Make Life More Exciting and Less Drama =D

7 Ways to Make Life More Exciting and Less Drama =D

Exciting things don’t happen by chance, they require some action, some effort. No matter how our lives are, its always good to have some fun element in it for it to be interesting and more exciting with every passing hour and day. It differs from person to person though, whether my life is good enough to go or not sufficient to even breath in. Some things might enlighten you on this, its all a matter of willingness to discover new horizons of life. So i am gonna share what i think on this and then you give your opinions and suggestion on that =)

1. Do what you are most afraid ofIMG_20141020_122752

There are often certain things that we get shy enough to even try and with the passage of time they become part of our fears and then turn to phobias. But the only thing is that you try it, convince yourself of the worst of scenario that could happen? they won’t eat you right..? and you won’t die unless you are trying to kill yourself by jumping off the building calling it adrenaline rush =P
So do it. Slay your demons!!!

2. Follow your passion


Everybody encounters some kind of interests and passions that he or she couldn’t have followed because of ” i have got a lot on my plate right now”, “i have so many other responsibilities”, “yeah will do it sometime” which never actually came, “i will do it when my friends will accompany”, “i will do it later”…..all this time we do what we need to do, but never does what we want to do. Well i don’t think that’s fair. Following your passion will not become an obstacle in your life but will turn out to be a bolster for all the excuses that stopped you from pursuing it in the first place. Have some fun, its the only chance you’ll get.

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Reminder that Everyday is a Good Day. Be Grateful!

Reminder that Everyday is a Good Day. Be Grateful!

Its just a matter of perspective. Things go up and down in lour lives but still today we are breathing, walking alive and healthy, have all the basic necessities which is such a huge favour that our Lord has bestowed upon us even though we don’t have any right to complain if he doesn’t want us to continue our journey ahead. And yeah, it is not up to us how much and how we are supposed to live for. God has awaken us alive not once, twice or thrice but multiple times, and valuing and respecting every breath granted is our sole duty. Everyday brings us new arrays of hope, opportunities and a chance to get better than yesterday. Be grateful for this will result in abundance of your good times.

Here lets

Lighten up! with Ken Davis