Category Archives: ImportantDecisions

Wana do it? Go for it!

Wana do it? Go for it!

Don’t let people ruin what you can achieve or could have achieved.

Don’t let people decide your destiny.

Make decisions and go for it.

Because if they could have done that they wouldn’t be here telling you “NO”

So make up your mind, and never look back.

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Be the heroine of your life, not the victim


Source: Elleuk

Its your life so better live the way you want to live it…don’t let others take away this right from you. Its always important to be kind..of course with the people around you, but in my opinion more important is to be with your own selves. We often let the people to be in charge of our lives, and those who don’t even care about us affect our choices, happiness and decisions. Its not worth it you know. Because one day they will pass on you and get another toy or perhaps live their lives as they want to and then you will be likjbe..

ohhh..i should have spoken for myself. I should have taken control. I should have been strong…i should have..

So unless its too late stand for yourself, be your own hero not the victim and be kind to your souls, you are not perfect but hey nobody is perfect.

Every colour of life is beautiful. The key is to keep a balance!

Every colour of life is beautiful. The key is to keep a balance!

There is no such thing called life if it doesn’t have any ups and downs in it. These are meant to be, because if it wasn’t for these, we would never have been able to learn the true value of life given to us.

Certainly every person in his or her life faces various changes of hearts, tastes and situations. There are times when everything seems so perfect and peaceful as if its the cool breeze after a peaceful rain while sometimes it feels like a bed of thorns, either way this is life, just like the piano keys are in white and black, rainbow comes with seven different shades of beauty, happiness comes after sadness, everything in life is a combination of pretties and uglies and it would be invaluable if we hadn’t had experienced the odd against the rights. So its just the part of the game where we are meant to be.  Read the rest of this entry

Happiness is a choice. Make right choices!

Happiness is a choice. Make right choices!

Happiness is not something that is granted to us just like that pfffttt..!! Its up to us whether we stay happy, sad, depressed or whatever we want. This life, if you close your eyes and just think for a minute… its just full of so much crazy things, we can never get enough of it. We can either make our lives wonders of beauty or a desert of scorns.

Some people might say that it is easily said than done, but its just like rain after a drought, when you realize how valuable is this thing and our lives similarly when knock us down makes us realize what kind of a jerk we have been with it the whole time. Moments of realization makes us wants to make it right, ,make it a worth living then, no? There comes a cringe inside us, a lump in one’s throat to make it better in one or another way but we won’t live the same life everyday for 70 years and call it a life. it would be a shame!


Read the rest of this entry

Alive? or just walking dead?

Alive? or just walking dead?

There is a difference between being alive and calling yourself alive. We often do things that we don’t actually enjoy doing but still continue to do it, keeping all the ambitious and adventurous things we want to do aside in a list placed inside some box that we get to see only when time flies away, giving us back aches, weak bones, wrinkles and lots of responsibilities. All that time we work hard and hard without actually living that time, and eventually we make our lives flush away like we never had it in the first place.

Every day should be lived like it’s the last day of our lives. Every week should be planned as if we won’t see any again. Do what makes you happy not what makes you going. Don’t say i am happy when you don’t enjoy your work. Don’t say i am satisfied when you’re jotting down a list of things you want to experience later in life.

There is no later no tomorrow because we are not promised a tomorrow when we sleep. If Allah Almighty grants us another beautiful day, why not cherish that blessing. Its time to make every day count. Instead of saying later..say lets do it, do it now, make that happen. Happiness is a decision that needs to be taken not an option that you might go for a never knowing later. Because once you gave up on it you’ll miss it forever..and we don’t have forever. we are not vampires right ? =P

So live before you die !