Tag Archives: balance

Every colour of life is beautiful. The key is to keep a balance!

Every colour of life is beautiful. The key is to keep a balance!

There is no such thing called life if it doesn’t have any ups and downs in it. These are meant to be, because if it wasn’t for these, we would never have been able to learn the true value of life given to us.

Certainly every person in his or her life faces various changes of hearts, tastes and situations. There are times when everything seems so perfect and peaceful as if its the cool breeze after a peaceful rain while sometimes it feels like a bed of thorns, either way this is life, just like the piano keys are in white and black, rainbow comes with seven different shades of beauty, happiness comes after sadness, everything in life is a combination of pretties and uglies and it would be invaluable if we hadn’t had experienced the odd against the rights. So its just the part of the game where we are meant to be.  Read the rest of this entry