Tag Archives: Being Strong

Life will never be the same


I happened to experience a thing that i never expected or thought would happen. It feels like the roof of my house has gone forever, like there are empty walls standing vulnerable on its own. The silence is scaring me..its like a storm is about to come. I seek refuge in the mercy of Allah.

I always tried to be strong and be steadfast, people and life taught me to be that way anyway…because you know there is no other way round, if you want to live…survive and stay alive inside out that’s the only thing that can help you. But this time, its like a silence has taken place inside..something is hollow inside. Its difficult to get normal back again…nothing will remain the same anymore. People seem more scary than ever. Every happiness will be incomplete from now on.

Life goes on as it always does. It waits for nobody. Someday am gonna leave too. That’s the ultimate cycle of nature. But it hurts when you are left behind to fight life battles, its like being exposed to monsters.

Sometimes a Caring Heart would be Enough


It comes a time when we get tired of being strong

We couldn’t hold up, like we do every single day

We feel down without any reason

Tend to look towards others for lifting us up

Make us feel better

A need to be taken care of

A quest for peace

No matter how much strong we are

Every now and then we all need a supporting shoulder

Someone to hold us up… keep us safe..Make us happy

Everyone deserves a break.
